Tipi wedding full of flowers
Abbas Marquees arrived on Thursday to put up their tipis in the field. Luckily the weather had not been too bad recently and the ground was hard but we had put down mats at the entrance just in case as the skies were dark. https://www.abbasmarquees.co.uk/ Telephone: 01749 890909 / Email: enquiry@abbasmarquees.co.uk
The following day with the Tipis in place and the sun coming out it looked much more hopeful for a wonderful day on Saturday. The chairs were put out for the ceremony, minus their seats in case of a little rain, and suppliers began to arrive to arrive thick and fast!
Once George, one of our wonderful gardeners, had moved the pots by the gazebo, Whitestem, arranged the most amazing arch over the entrance. This was made of Star Jasmine and smelt divine. They had also brought some free standing hearts to place at the end of the aisle and one of their large ‘ shaggy’ olive trees for the inside of the tipi. This was to be used to hang good wishes on.
https://www.whitestem.co.uk/ Tel: 07985 613572Email: debbie@whitestem.co.uk
Dorset Bench Hire set arranged benches and tables on the lawn ready for guests to relax. https://www.dorsetbenchhire.co.uk/ dorsetbenchhirehq@gmail.com - these later had candles laid out by the Best Man.
In House
Abbas Marquees put the final touches to the interior of the Tipis and laid matting, with lighting to either side of the path from the tipis to the gate on the Ha Ha. Sofas and chairs were in place, tables arranged and the most amazing lighting system hung from the roof which really came into it’s own after dark. A pulley system was arranged to enable the florist to hoist her flowers high into the air. A copper bar was set ready for the next day - this had a distorted surface as you can see where my legs and crocs are reflected - along with comfy looking sofas.
(Amanda Oramas: +44 020 3983 6773 , amanda@hireit-eventfurniture.com )
With the interior ready the Florist and her assistants came in the afternoon to start her decorating, bringing with her more incredible white flowers that I have ever seen in one place before! Even the jasmine arch was to have more flowers inserted into it the following day - https://www.stephaniejevons.com/ T: 078 997 28596 / STEPH@STEPHANIEJEVONS.COM /
Honeybells arrived to set up their bell tents in the glamping field and we added decorations and furniture to our one in the walled garden ready for the wedding night.
(07817 672 502, info@honeybells.co.uk)
Photograph taken by Hannah Sharpe who took all the incredible photographs not marked otherwise -
https://hannahsharpephotography.pic-time.com/ HANNAHSHARPEPHOTOS@GMAIL.COM 07729062339
As the front of the tipi was open, it was thought to be safer to bring all the service sheets, props, table plans etc into the house until the morning where they covered the dining room table.
Before the couple left we tied “police aware” tape across the front to the tipi to stop the deer from going in and making themselves comfortable!
The great day dawned, bringing the Groom and his Best Man to take out the finishing touches from the dining room. In the tipi, labels were put ready to hang on the wishing tree and the table plan was set up by the entrance.
Outside, amazing hand made hoopla and other ball games appeared on the lawn - all beautifully painted in white and gold and a handmade signpost took it’s place by the HaHa. The Best Man set out a photographic guessing game while bottles with candles were arranged on the picnic tables - some with ferns or leaves inside and some decorated with pearls, all made by the bride’s mother.
The florist returned and the ceremony area was transformed into an incredible floral bower!
A handcrafted post box stood ready for cards at the start of the aisle and a sign encouraging guests to shower the married couple with confetti stood beside it. The confetti was made up of tiny hearts cut from leaves by the bride’s parents - a real labour of love.
The inside of the tipis looked absolutely amazing with white flowers everywhere - some stood on stands on the tables and some in smaller arrangements and others spilled from great circles hanging from the ceiling.
The tables themselves had been beautifully arranged with leaves as place names and little games set ready for the younger guests.
The cake arrived, three tiers, with very original green icing continuing the leaf theme and extraordinarily lifelike sugar flowers round the base, saved from the Bride’s parents own wedding. With everything in place, it was time for the groom and his helpers to go and change ready for the arrival of the registrars, the guests and the bride. ( hello@hayleyelizabethcakedesign.com /https://www.hayleyelizabethcakedesign.com/ )
As Guests began to arrive and take their places, Lucy-Anne Machin began to play from her place at the side of the gazebo. ( lucymachin@hotmail.co.uk )
Soon it was time for the arrival of the bride! She looked stunning in a satin sheath dress embellished at wrists and waist with beautiful pearl embroidery. A very long pearl encrusted veil flowed from the pearls twisted in her hair. Her two adult bridesmaids were dressed in green with asymmetric hemlines.
Before walking down to the gazebo with her mother and father, the bride went into the house to meet the Registrars and to have some photographs taken on the stairs and in the dining room.
The ceremony was conducted in brilliant sunshine and included an extra element - a sand ceremony where the couple pledged to join the rest of their lives together by each pouring sand into a single container.
Soon they were coming back down the aisle being showered with confetti.
As guests followed them to lawn by the house, Ecco-Gelato started serving the most delicious ice creams with the bride and groom as their first customers. (01935 813 659, philippa@ecco-gelato.co.uk)
Vanilla, who were doing all the catering, circulated with canapes and Lucy started to play again. (Sally Ann Pickles: 01489 589 275, sally@vanillacatering.co.uk Gemma Eldridge: gemma@vanillacatering.co.uk / http://vanillacatering.co.uk/)
Formal photographs were taken, including a group one from an upstairs window and then the couple went off to have more taken in the gardens - and to practice their first dance.
Photographs finished, the couple returned to the tipis where their guests were all seated ready to start their wedding breakfast. The first of the bands began to play. (Joe's Jazz - Joseph Limburn: 07931 798 659, joelimburn@gmail.com / https://joelimburn.com/home)
As darkness fell the lights in the tipis and the gardens came into their own.
Soon it was time to cut the cake and for the couple to take to the floor for their first dance, followed by a night of music from the Atlantic Soul Orchestra (Josh Watkins (band manager): 07340 117 020, atlanticsoulorchestra.info@gmail.com / https://www.atlanticsoulorchestra.com/)
The party continued until midnight when the music stopped and the couple went to find their Bell Tent in the Walled garden.
Next morning, guests were still full of energy and after brunch on the lawn played very competitive 5 a side Football in an inflatable pitch! -All the following are in house pictures. (Andrea Smith: 07899 003 769, info@shoot4goal.com / https://www.shoot4goal.com/ )
Guests collapsed on the lawns for a while before helping to tidy up - the end of an amazing weekend - full of laughter and hugely well organised!! Judging from the much appreciated thank you card, the couple had enjoyed every moment too.