Beautiful village church wedding

It was so lovely to have a wedding in our own village church followed by a reception here at Shillingstone House.

The marquee went up on the Thursday before their celebrations. It was a gloomy day when Western Marquees arrived but the weather forecast was good for the weekend. The couple had chosen the field site and a clearspan marquee.

+44 1258 839193 / /

All the great photographs, unless marked “in house” were taken by Dean Robertson - /

Friday brought a flurry of activity. Dikes of Stalbridge arrived to set up their bar and to put out tables in the catering tent. They have been several times before and are always very efficient and helpful.

+44 1963 362204 / /

The bride wanted the interior of the tent to be beautiful but very simple. Western Marquees had lined the marquee in white and had made two chandeliers specially for the occasion. Round tables were covered in white cloths and laid ready for the next day.

The florist arrived, having finished her arrangement in the Church, and showed those helping how to arrange the greenery on the tables. Each table had three glass vases, containing white pillar candles, placed in the centre. Round each one they twisted a mixture of olive and eucalyptus leaves and gypsophila. Later pale pink and coral roses and carnations were laid amongst the greenery. Very simple but very effective.

Fay Tarring - Floral Artista Poole -+44 7967 102576 /

Brass numbers indicated the table numbers and place names stood in cut corks or small wooden circles.

A welcome notice and a list of table names had been ordered on the internet and were put on Easels by the entrance, along with a table for cards and good wishes - the latter to be written in a special book or on a little wooden heart.

Preparations completed and the party left to join up with other relatives for dinner.

The morning of the wedding saw the arrival of the cake, made by a family friend. She had brought it in separate layers to complete in the marquee. After a few little touch ups following its journey the towering confection was ready for its flower decorations. Luckily the florist was on hand! A joint work of art.

The photographer was around early on Saturday morning as he had stayed the night in his camper van. Wonderful for us as he took some brilliant pictures of the house and grounds. A lovely keepsake for the couple as well.

Andy from Dikes arrived with hi team to set out the drinks on the bar and start preparing the Wedding Breakfast.

Soon it was time for the photographer to leave for the church for what I gather was a very moving service.

The bridegroom’s grandfather had lived in the village and he greeted the bride as she arrived with her bevy of bridesmaids.

The couple came out to a sea of confetti. Before leaving the churchyard, the groom placed flowers on his grandmother’s grave and that of his great grandparents.

They arrived back at Shillingstone House in a white Rolls Royce and as the bride was helped out of the car, the full beauty of her dress was revealed She looked amazing. With three layers of skirt giving it volume, the dress moved like a cloud and emphasised the beautiful sequinned bodice above. The final touch was that the skirt split to the waist to reveal white shorts beneath!

The couple came into the house for some more photographs and a little time on their own before leaving by the dining room french windows to run the gauntlet of more confetti on the lawn.

With everyone gathered together, a group photograph was taken before some formal groups.

Guests finished their canapes and made their way into the marquee. When everyone was seated the couple made their grand entrance as a married couple.

Dikes lived up to their reputation and produced a delicious two course Buffet

Then it was time for speeches to the relief of several worried speech givers. A time for laughter and tears.

Guests explored the grounds and relaxed on the lawns until the sound of music at 7pm lured them back inside for the cutting of the cake and the first dance. One of Dike’s staff amazed everyone by carrying the cake out, all by herself, to cut it up in the catering tent!

The child bridesmaids took to the floor with the bride until she was taken away for some last photographs as the sun began to go down.

Soon the Dorset DJ was in full dance mode and the party began in ernest with the bride and some of her guests showing off some spectacular moves.

+44 7952 513696 / /

Laughter and cheering continued until midnight - the witching hour when the music stopped and everyone made their weary way to their taxis and cars and home. This included the bride and groom who were staying in a pub nearby. The end of a wonderful day - just as the bride had wanted - simple but beautiful and above all fun.

Beautifully organised wedding

Normally I might worry if a parent was taking over the organising of a wedding but this wedding was an exception! The bride and groom had gratefully turned everything over to his stepmother who did the most amazing job - she even arranged all the flowers and made the wedding cake!

The wedding started one day early as Thursday, the day we normally put up the marquees, was forcast to deluge.

Jon from Marqco Marquees came early as he had two marquees to errect - one in the field for the reception and one by the gazebo to shelter guests from sun or rain.

Marqco Marquees - +44 7787 825548 / /

All the great photographs not marked “in house” or “guest”have been taken by Lewis Blackburn Photography - /

The weather forecast was absolutely correct but Friday brought the sun plus many friends and relations to get the marquee ready for the wedding.

The wonderous stepmother set up her floristry table in the ceremony tent - easily spotted as both she and her daughter were wearing sunflower jump suits to match the sunflowers they were arranging.

The finished vases spent the night in the cool of the porch ready to be taken to the marquee the next day.

A home made crisp wall appeared at the back of the marquee and a basket was set ready for cards and good wishes. Each table had a message from the bride and groom inviting everyone to share their photographs.

The large rustic tables were arranged with two bottle lights on each one. They were not having named seating so glasses were left in groups on the tables and cutlery would be collected with their meal.

The weather forecast overnight was good so the chairs were moved to the wedding marquee and with most arrangements in place, the party, with much hilarity, staged a rehearsal, for the ceremony the following day.

Time to return home.

The following day the groom turned up with his best man and they put the flowers from the porch onto the tables

Drinks tables were set up behind the wedding tent ready for reception drinks and covered with a tablelcloth until after the ceremony.

One big thing was missing - ICE! The two men went off in search and returned some time later with the most enormous amount as they had been given someone else’s order by mistake.

Neal The Chef arrived to set up his catering van in the field. A walkway lined with fairy lights had been put in place the previous day.

+44 7941 306354 /

The Stepmother arrived with the most beautiful layers of cake. With the day forecast to be hot, we placed it in the dining room to keep cool.

We had arranged bright flowers around the gazebo and she added some jam jars of sunflowers which looked perfect.

Guests began to arrive really early and we had to enlist the help of the kindly photographer to move the last of the reception drink from the ceremony marquee to its hiding place under the table cloth by the yew hedge. Seat pads could then be put out and a space made for the quartet to sit and play. Then it began to drizzle!!

Magio Strings - 07837 750 565 / /

Everything was ready, the stepmother had changed in our bell tent in the wallgarden and reappeared looking really chic and the registrars had arrived and were chatting to the groom in the dining room. The photographer had time to take some beautiful pictures of the house and flowers in the borders.

Word was sent that the bride was on her way and the groomsmen ushered guests to their seats to await her arrival. The groom took his place in front of the gazebo.

She was wearing a beautiful white lace dress with a fitted bodice in the front and an amazing cross over at the back - with her hair up, she looked amazing.

Her adult bridesmaid wore a eau de nil satin dress and they both carried bunches of eucolyptus and sunflowers.

The wedding party gathered on the drive and the procession set off as the music began, the family dog, led by the bride’s brother in the front, followed by her bridesmaid and then the bride and her proud father.

Seeing his beautiful bride approaching was an emotional moment for the groom but laughter soon replaced tears as the ring bearer shot down the aisle.

The ceremony began under the expert guidance of Kevin, our wonderful Registrar.

Soon it was time to exchange rings and to be declared husband and wife.

The signing of the register completed, they made their way down the aisle with their friends cheering and clapping on either side.

The couple returned to the house for a short break on their own before leaving through the dining room doors to be showered with confetti by their waiting friends..

The couple chatted with their guests before being taken off to have photographs taken in the fields and grounds

More formal pictures were taken throughout the day.

Many guests, adults as well as children, began to play with the games laid out on the lawn. These had been hired from Dorset Advenure Sports - / 01202-937-557

Everyone returned to the marquee for the cutting of the cake.

Soon it was time to collect their Wedding Breakfast food from Neal the Chef.

Speeches started towards the end of the meal and caused much hilarity. The groom was profuse in his thanks to his stepmother and she stood to take a little bow!

8pm the disco started to play - Tubsy Entertainment / +44 7751 254385 / / /

Time for the first dance.

More games followed their meal with the bride and groom joining in.

Many guests found the photobooth in the gazebo and posed in the mad hats etc that had been left out for them to use.

As the sun began to go down Lewis, the photographer, took the couple for some more photographs, culminating in the most beautiful one of them with the sun setting behind them.

Tubsy kept everyone dancing until the music stopped at midnight when the bride and groom left for their wedding night in the walled garden. It had been the most beautiful calm day.

Our First Amazing Wedding of 2024!


Andrea saved the wedding! The bride’s chosen photographer backed out the week of the wedding. The bride was having her nails painted by Andrea in readiness for the great day. When Andrea heard the devastating news she anounced “I take wedding photographs!” Disaster over and the photographs are amazing. / andrea_s_photography

The sun was shining and the sky was an incredible deep blue as Jon from Ernest G Hart arrived to put up their pole tent on the lower lawn. Luckily, the Catalpa Tree had at last come into leaf and gave shade for the team to take a rest.

Ernest G Hart - / 01258-881-047 / hartsmarquees@btinternetcom

Once the Marquee was up, they turned their attention to the canopy needed to shelter guests from the heat during the ceremony. The couple had chosen to exchange their vows on the dining room steps. The poles had all been repainted in shiny white for the occasion

On the camping/glamping lawn Devon Belltents were busy putting up the biggest Bell Tent city we have ever had! 71 people slept on Saturday night with several sharing a tent.

The tents were beautifully appointed with bright coloured linen, rugs and lanterns.

07988 693747 / /

We had a crisis with our Wedding Night Bell Tent as it came out of winter hibernation stained with mould but a friend came to our rescue and lent us another one for the summer.

Friday brought Friends and Relations to help decorate the marquee.

Garden flowers were arranged in an assortment of jars and placed down the long trestles, along with table names showing the cities the couple had visited together. Each place had a packet of wild flower seeds to plant as a memory.

The couple had all beverages covered! Drinks were to be free with beer and spirits laid out on tables along side tea and coffee and cold water. The vintage tea and coffee cups were loaned by us.

Cards were put ready for guests to pen their good wishes to the couple and paper balls were hung from the sides of the marquee. Finally jars with tea lights joined the flowers on the tables and smaller containers with battery lights found their place by the cards. Such care had been taken to make everything fresh and beautiful.

All was ready until the final touches the following morning.

Saturday morning brought the groom, groomsman and family to lay out the Pimms Bar in the shade of the catalpa tree. Strict instructions were given re not taking glasses onto the ceremony lawn!

Inside the marquee, ice was added to the buckets for wine and bottled water.

As guests began to arrive, it was time for the groom’s party to take their buttonholes and socialise before the ceremony.

They even managed to squeeze in a family picture.

Soon the Registrars arrived and the groom went into the house to meet with them. Guests began to be directed towards the ceremony awning - some a little reluctant to leave their Pimms behind.

With all the guests setting themselves outside the dining room windows, it was time to draw the curtains in readiness for the arrival of the bride.

The ancesters were ready in their wedding hats when she arrived in a very shiny Rolls Royce, driven by her father. She looked amazing in an off the shoulder satin dress with a lace back and a long train. She was met by her mother with the box of bouquets and then went into the house to see the Registrars. Meeting over, there was enough time to have photographs taken with her bevy of bridesmaids.

The bridal party gathered by the catalpa tree in readiness for their entrance to the ceremony tent.

Her bridegroom was waiting nervously by the dining room steps and was seen to wipe a tear from his eye as he saw his beautiful bride coming down the aisle towards him but the moment quickly turned to laughter.

There was more laughter to come when the groom’s father and the bride’s stepfather delivered their personalised readings.

There was also the more serious side to the ceremony - the exchanging of vows and rings - a very moving moment for friends and family.

After their first kiss as man and wife, the bride and groom went into dining room with their witnesses to sign the register.

Official duties over, they emerged to greet their cheering guests.

While the couple took a moment to themselves, guests were ushered onto the lower lawn by the marquee. There they were marshalled into two lines ready to shower the couple in confetti - some in little packets and some handed out by the flower girls from their baskets - quicky emptied and refilled with their posies.

No peace for the wicked! Guests were asked to grab a chair and return it to the marquee ready for the wedding breakfast.

Time to socialise and have photographs taken with friends and family.

Smoke began to drift over the lawn and food was declared to be ready.

Brown Goose Catering - / / 07470 096652

The marquee looked beautiful as guests took their places to await the arrival of the bride and groom, who were greeted with cheers and raised glasses.

Guests went out to help themselves to the delicious array of food set out on the lawn.

Speeches followed with much laughter and cheering rising from the marquee.

To cool everyone down after so much shouting, very special icecreams were served in the shade of the catalpa tree by the Ice Chef. Each ice is formed on a freezing metal plate and rolled before serving. A long queue formed but everyone was happy to wait to witness the magic!

The Ice Chef - /

The wedding breakfast finished, guests chatted or explored the rest of the gardens while formal pictures were taken on the lawn - many combinations of family as well as the bride and her friends and the groom and his.

The band, headed by the Bride’s brother had set up earlier and music began to flow from the marquee - soon quietened a little as there is a start time of 7pm for the boom, boom, boom of later in the evening

By 7.30pm, when the cake was cut the volume was rising The cake was an incredible combination of two naked iced layers surrounded by beautifully decorated cup cakes, and a sprikling of fresh fruit over all. This confection was made by the groom’s grandfather.

The first dance quickly followed and the party began.

Dancing continued until guests were called to collect their pizza from the Domino Delivery man, they would not be able to go home and say that they went hungry! They would not usually deliver but with such a large order how could they say no!

At 10.15 there was another call out - this time to gather outside the marquee - no hint as to why.

As the bride and grooom took the opportunity for a quick kiss, there was a huge bang and the sky lit up - it was the start of an amazing five minutes of fireworks. The last picture was taken from the top of nearby Hambledon Hill. / 07738 440221 /

Music drew the guests back into the marquee and the party continued until midnight when the campers made their way to their bell tent city to chat until 1.30am

in house

Campers woke to the glad tidings that breakfast awaited them in the field behind the gazebo. Bigger Bites had arrived at 8am to set up and the smell of bacon was delicious.

Bigger Bites - 07990 703573 /

Buoyed up by an excellent breakfast, many friends stayed to help clear up so only too soon it was time to say goodbye to a wonderful couple and their wonderful families. It had truly been a weekend to remember.