Our first deferred wedding of 2022 – and one hugely worth the wait!
This was our first deferred wedding of 2022 - well worth the wait! Even the garden celebrated their patience, with the alliums echoing the colour theme and the roses still in full flower.
The couple had chosen to put their marquee in the field rather than on the lawns. Dorset Party Marquees had asked if they could put the marquee up a day early so, they arrived on Wednesday. The weather was glorious so it was a hot task.
http://www.dpmarquees.co.uk/ 01258 452539/ info@dpmarquees.com
The couple had put a lot of thought and effort into gathering their decorations – some made by them and some brought in.
In the marquee, a beautiful vintage suitcase, surrounded by an amazing array of coloured sunglasses, was put ready for their cards, jigsaw pieces awaiting messages of good luck were set out on a table, and a board displaying the table placings was arranged by the door.
Friday brought Athena from Lovingly Styled events arrived to help the bride style the Marquee. She tied voile to the backs of the chairs, helped arrange flowers and laid out a large selection of games on the lawn. https://lovinglystyled.co.uk
Huge light up letters – D&B – appeared behind the dance floor which was soon covered in masses of pale pink, blue, purple and white balloons. The smallest bridesmaid later found these the most wonderful game. More light-up initials were put ready to go outside on the day.
https://lightup-letters.co.uk/ Tel:- 01202 073074 / Mob:- 07841 098206 / Email:- info@lightup-letters.co.uk
With great faith in the weather overnight, a pallet with the order of the day and a vintage ladder full of beautiful things were placed on one side of the steps to the lawn and a half barrel filled with rolled up blankets went on the other.
Hay bales were hauled onto the lawn and arranged in a beautiful serpentine shape, and the bride’s brother parked his vintage grey Fergie outside the marquee.
The tables were laid, each with a hessian runner across the centre and a jug or teapot of British Flowers in the centre placed on a slice of wood. Each place had a miniature bottle of liqueur or vodka etc. with the children getting bags of sweets. The flowers were later stored in the porch of the house under the watchful gaze of the Ancestors.
Flowers supplied by Katie Priestley at The Dorset Flower Co - 07506 986393 / info@dorsetflowerco.com/ https://www.dorsetflowerco.com
The Bar manoeuvred their horsebox trailer into position in front of the marquee and got ready for the onslaught of guests the following day. The bride is very keen on riding so was thrilled to have a horsebox
bar.http://www.vintagetippletrailer.co.uk/ 07805 136840 /vintagetippletrailer@hotmail.com
Saturday brought Carol from the Willows in Shillingstone to put the finishing touches to the tea she was laying on for the Wedding Breakfast – it was a veritable feast of cakes and sandwiches – and all laid out on beautiful Vintage China provided by her. http://www.willowsbandbdorset.co.uk / 01258 861167 / enquiries@willowstearoomdorset.co.uk
Athena returned to put the flowers in place on the tables and check that everything was perfect and a sweet cart and big wheel of treats arrived from Something Sweet Cart Hire - https://sweet-cart-hire-somerset.business.site/ @somethingsweetcarthire
The wedding cake was delivered – made by the bride’s Aunt – and was put in pride of place in the marquee – three layers of butter icing, covering three different layers of cake, lemon drizzle, chocolate and Victoria sponge - decorated with leaves and resting on another log slice but this time carved with the couples’ initials. A Masterpiece!
The bar returned to open up and lay out the welcome drinks
Taken by the Vintage Tipple Trailer
The couple were getting married in Langton Long Church outside Blandford, where the bride’s parents had also held their wedding.
They arrived at Shillingstone House in a tiny pale blue VW Beetle with their bridesmaids following in a VW Camper Van, both from Dorset Dub Hire. Both were beautifully decorated with flowers which Dub Hire had co-ordinated with the bride’s colour scheme
https://www.dorsetdubhire.com / 07771 561594 / enquiry@dorsetdubbers.co.uk
She looked amazing in a figure-hugging dress of satin with a sculpted top and fish tail train. The bridesmaids all had matching draped dresses in pale lilac apart from the tiniest who was in white and stole the show!
Photographs were taken – all the amazing photographs in this blog were taken by Kirsty Hardiman –
www.kirstyhardimanphotography.co.uk / khardimanphotography@gmail.com or by Katy Stroud who works closely with her - https://www.instagram.com › katystroudphotography . In house ones are marked.
The couple went onto the lawns to mingle with their guests before coming back into the house to have some formal ones taken on the stairs and in the dining room. More were taken on the lawn, including a group one from an upstairs window.
Tea beckoned and everyone retired to the tent to eat the huge array of cakes and scones. Speeches followed with much laughter issuing from the marquee.
As the guests began to drift back out to try their luck with the lawn games, Kirsty took the couple off into the gardens for some more informal pictures.
Soon it was time for more food!! Julien Else, from Stalbridge, had set up his hog roast to one side of the marquee and Claire from Posh Crepes had driven Humphrey her Citroen HY van to the other. Queues quickly formed outside both and both were declared delicious! Trade at the bar did not stop either!
https://www.elsefamilybutchers.co.uk/ 01963 362276 / info@elsefamilybutchers.com
https://www.facebook.com/poshcrepes/ poshcrepes@gmail.com / 07739 382451
Guests explored the gardens and some put up late tents in the glamping field before being summoned back to the marquee for cake cutting and the first dance. The bride even fitted in another session with her hairdresser, Victoria Nightingale!
Instagram @victorianightingalehair / www.victorianightingalehair.co.uk/
Music from DJ Richard at Pure Wedding Entertainment began and played on until midnight when silence fell, the DJ and the Bar left and guests retired either to their taxis or their tents to sleep the night away - everyone too exhausted to chat round the Fire Pit!
It had been an amazing day! Beautifully organised and as a result very relaxed and filled with fun and laughter.