Picking Figs and Damsons

food artword


Ross Kidner returned to the Walled Garden to pick figs and damsons to make into his wonderful jams and chutneys.  It was quite a hectic day as we had a wedding clearing up around us and they had to carry the ladder over the wedding bell tent

Ross made last year's crop into chutney and it was really successful.  To buy or catch him at one of the markets he sells from go to - 

https://en-gb.facebook.com/moonrakerpreserves/ or http://www.moonrakerpreserves.co.uk/  

If you wanted to give some of our Shillingstone Fig Chutney as your favours please let us know and we can ask Ross to pot them up in little jars for you. He can design a label for you.

Ross made a donation as thanks and we gave this to Home Start North Dorset - 





